Sample Confidentiality Agreement

As a member of the __[org]__ board, I acknowledge the importance of confidentiality with respect to the affairs of __[org]__. In light of this acknowledgment, I agree to keep confidential, during and after service on the board, all confidential information acquired pertaining to __[org]__ and any related activities in the course of membership on the board.

I particularly recognize the sensitivity of information regarding capital decisions, real estate purchases, decisions regarding closures, mergers, personnel issues, and other strategic plans that may have an impact on __[org]__'s competitive position relative to other organizations.

I agree that this confidentiality agreement includes, but is not limited to:

·       information pertaining to the performance of __[org]__ employees or staff including evaluation data, compensation, and grievances.

·       issues related to the board's legal, moral, and regulatory responsibility for the oversight of statistical data, risk management information, and litigation information, as well as reviews of attitudes and opinions from those who work at __[org]__.

I understand that it is the board chairperson's responsibility to address infractions of confidentiality by individual board members and to take action to remedy the problem. I also understand that if infractions of confidentiality by individual board members continue, it is the expectation that the board chairperson will ask for the resignation of the individual board member who has violated this confidentiality agreement.

I agree to resign my board membership if requested by a majority vote of the board members for any confidentiality infraction.

Board member signature                        Date 


Sample Conflict of Interest


Changing Culture #3: Uncomfortable Enough to Change